Who is Advocare?
Advocare is a not for profit organisation that protects the rights of people receiving aged care services and who are at risk of elder abuse in Western Australia.
The Perron Centre
61 Kitchener Avenue
Victoria Park WA 6100
Metro Callers
Phone: (08) 9479 7566
Country Callers
1800 655 566 (free)
Elder Abuse Helpline
Email: rights@advocare.org.au

About Rural West
Rural West provide a free, confidential, mobile, independent financial counselling service to regional small businesses and all primary production enterprises in WA, who are navigating their way through difficult and turbulent times.
Contact Rural West
PO Box 121
Woodanilling WA 6316
Free Call

What is South West Community Care?
South West Community Care provides flexibility and choice, allowing you to stay independent, in your own home – for much longer.
Contact South West Community Care
Harvey Office
Eden Grove Community Precinct,
25 James Stirling Place
Harvey WA 6220
Eaton Office
Next door to Eaton Medical Centre
15 Albatross Crescent
Eaton WA 6232
Australind Office

What is Grow?
GROW is a community-based organization that has helped thousands of Australians with their recovery from mental ill-health through a unique program of mutual support and personal development.
Contact South West Community Care